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The Best Cooking Games in the World Are Online!

If you want to keep the excitement flowing for your girls, let them play games instead. Let them dress up in different costumes. Or you could bring them to the world of make believe and let them bake a cake or cook delicious food that they could ever imagine. There are lots of fun things to do for kids. But the most interesting of all are the cooking games. Cooking games teach girls about the basic food groups. It's a better way to learning about food groups than learning them through science textbooks. It would be a good idea if girls learn about food and nutrition through practical experience or hands-on activities. If you let them learn by merely reading about nutrition and recipes, they may not learn a lot as much as you wanted them to. Kids, these days, easily get bored. What's more boring than reading about the basic food groups and all nutrition theories? Remember, reading is good but it's not enough to make children learn. You have to let them have first-hand experience. You can do that through cooking games.
So, here are some cooking game suggestions that your kids will surely love:
Matching food items with ingredients. This is an exciting and educational cooking game for girls. You prepare flash cards of bright pictures or images of various food items like cakes, sandwiches, ice cream, burgers, pizza and so many others. Then you must also prepare bright pictures of ingredients which make up the food items you've chosen to represent. Then after you've prepared all the pictures, you ask your girls to match the food items with their ingredients. As they keep on playing this cooking game, they will come to know and understand the ingredients of bread, or how sandwiches and pizzas are done, what makes a cake taste sweet and lot of other things that helps them improve their knowledge on foods they're containing every day.
Another cooking game is letting them prepare simple meals. You can split the girls into groups of three or four. Each team must prepare a food item for a meal. Give each team some simple recipes and provide them with the ingredients that these recipes required. Or you could also provide the children with an instruction set to help then with cooking. To help them learn more, provide them health and hygiene tips and you must instruct them to keep the kitchen spick and span even after cooking. This way, you are teaching your girls some self-discipline.


cooking tips