When you go about making dinner for your family or yourself you probably don't look at your food as toxic or unhealthy for you. You think that your vegetables should be healthy and anything you cook will have one of the food groups that you need for the day.
Well this would be true if we didn't eat food that has been grown in chemicals and then cooked to death so any nutrients left in the food were now completely gone. This is why I do promote eating as much organic and raw food as you can. It delivers the most nutrients to you in the way it was meant to be delivered.
But if you are buying from the grocery store and cooking your meals you may want to think about just a few things while you are doing it.
A lot of your vegetables are grown in mass quantities and grown with chemicals to get the best crop they can get. They are making money from it you know. So make sure to wash or peel you vegetables and fruits in order to remove agricultural chemicals, germs, and molds. Waxed foods, like eggplant, apples, turnips, and cucumbers, should be peeled. Wax is put on after the fruit or vegetable is grown so the pesticides and fungicides are stuck under the wax.
If you cannot peel your food make sure you wash them and scrub them. There are also some vegetable cleaners out there that you can buy. Even my grandpa who came from an age of real natural farming would tell us to make sure to wash our vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
With lettuce and cabbage make sure you compost you outer layer of them and only start eating the inside layers. You can also rinse these briefly in a vinegar solution to lower bacteria levels.
Raw food is not only highly nutritious for you but whenever you choose to eat raw food instead of cooked or processed you get better nutrition and less toxic exposure.
You need to cook your food lightly because food changes when it's cooked. Therefore you are losing the nutrients that you had before you started cooking and you are possibly changing them into something unhealthy.
Well this would be true if we didn't eat food that has been grown in chemicals and then cooked to death so any nutrients left in the food were now completely gone. This is why I do promote eating as much organic and raw food as you can. It delivers the most nutrients to you in the way it was meant to be delivered.
But if you are buying from the grocery store and cooking your meals you may want to think about just a few things while you are doing it.
A lot of your vegetables are grown in mass quantities and grown with chemicals to get the best crop they can get. They are making money from it you know. So make sure to wash or peel you vegetables and fruits in order to remove agricultural chemicals, germs, and molds. Waxed foods, like eggplant, apples, turnips, and cucumbers, should be peeled. Wax is put on after the fruit or vegetable is grown so the pesticides and fungicides are stuck under the wax.
If you cannot peel your food make sure you wash them and scrub them. There are also some vegetable cleaners out there that you can buy. Even my grandpa who came from an age of real natural farming would tell us to make sure to wash our vegetables and fruits thoroughly.
With lettuce and cabbage make sure you compost you outer layer of them and only start eating the inside layers. You can also rinse these briefly in a vinegar solution to lower bacteria levels.
Raw food is not only highly nutritious for you but whenever you choose to eat raw food instead of cooked or processed you get better nutrition and less toxic exposure.
You need to cook your food lightly because food changes when it's cooked. Therefore you are losing the nutrients that you had before you started cooking and you are possibly changing them into something unhealthy.